How to Advocate for Your Child at School | Dr. Edward Thalheimer | Education & Tutoring

Dr. Edward Thalheimer
3 min readDec 21, 2023


As a parent, advocating for your child at school is crucial to ensure they receive the support and resources they need to thrive academically and emotionally. Advocacy involves working with teachers, administrators, and other school staff to address your child’s needs.

Understand Your Child’s Rights and Needs

Educate yourself about your child’s educational rights and entitlements. Familiarize yourself with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or other relevant legislation in your country. Understanding these rights will enable you to advocate more effectively for your child’s needs, ensuring they receive appropriate accommodations, support, and services.

Build Positive Relationships with School Staff

Developing positive relationships with teachers, administrators, and other school staff is crucial for effective advocacy. Establish open lines of communication, attend parent-teacher meetings, and actively engage in school activities. Building a solid partnership with school staff fosters collaboration, mutual respect, and a shared commitment to your child’s success.

Communicate Clearly and Assertively

When advocating for your child, clearly communicate their needs, challenges, and strengths. Use specific examples to illustrate your concerns and provide insight into your child’s learning style. Be assertive but respectful, maintaining a constructive dialogue with school personnel. Focus on finding solutions and working together to support your child’s academic and social-emotional growth.

Collaborate on an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan

If your child requires additional support, collaborate with school staff to develop an IEP or 504 plan. These plans outline specific accommodations, modifications, and services to address your child’s needs. Actively participate in developing and reviewing the plan, ensuring that it reflects your child’s strengths, challenges, and goals.

Stay Informed and Seek Resources

Stay informed about educational practices, interventions, and resources that can benefit your child. Attend workshops, seminars, and conferences related to your child’s needs. Explore reputable online resources and support networks that provide information, strategies, and guidance for advocating effectively.

Empower Your Child

Teach your child self-advocacy skills to foster independence and confidence. Encourage them to express their needs, ask for help, and communicate with teachers and peers. Empowering your child to advocate for themselves instills a sense of ownership over their education and promotes lifelong skills.

Be Persistent and Patient

Advocacy can be a process that requires persistence and patience. Keep the lines of communication open and follow up on agreed-upon actions. If challenges arise, address them promptly and seek resolutions. Remember that advocating for your child is a journey; perseverance is vital to achieving positive outcomes.

Dr. Edward S. Thalheimer is the President and Founder of The Tutoring Center® Franchise Corp. For our part, we here at The Tutoring Center® are continuing to provide one-to-one instruction combined with The Rotational Approach to Learning® to prevent children from slipping through the cracks academically. Our programs help children achieve long-term success, build concentration and focus, and, with our outstanding instructors, find the love of learning. Don’t let your child fall behind this school year. If you’re interested in learning more, or you are interested in opening The Tutoring Center® in your community and joining a team of more than 120 franchise locations nationwide, please visit our website at

Originally published at on December 15, 2023.



Dr. Edward Thalheimer

Based in Long Beach, Dr. Edward Thalheimer is the Founder of The Tutoring Center, a successful after-school educational franchise in the United States.